Add Order Number to WooCommerce Email Subject Easily

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Want to make your WooCommerce email subjects more informative by adding the order number? Here's how you can do it:

This code snippet helps you include the order number in the subject line of various WooCommerce emails. It works by checking if the order is valid and then appending the order number to the subject line.

  • Function: The function wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject takes the current subject and the order details.
  • Order Number: It retrieves the order number using $order->get_order_number().
  • Subject Update: The order number is added to the subject using sprintf, which formats the subject to include "Order #1234 - Original Subject".

The add_filter lines ensure this function is applied to different types of WooCommerce emails, such as new orders, processing orders, completed orders, and invoices.

By using this snippet, your email subjects will automatically include the order number, making it easier for you and your customers to identify orders at a glance.


// Add order number to WooCommerce email subject
function wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject( $subject, $order ) {
    // Check if $order is a valid WC_Order object
    if ( is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) ) {
        // Get the order number
        $order_number = $order->get_order_number();
        // Append the order number to the email subject
        $subject = sprintf( __( 'Order #%s - %s', 'woocommerce' ), $order_number, $subject );
    return $subject;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_subject_new_order', 'wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_subject_customer_processing_order', 'wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_subject_customer_completed_order', 'wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_subject_customer_invoice', 'wp_dudecom_add_order_number_to_email_subject', 10, 2 );


File Location: Add the following code to your theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin file.


  • Ensure WooCommerce is installed and activated on your WordPress site.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Access your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor if you are adding the code to functions.php. Alternatively, navigate to Plugins > Editor if you are using a custom plugin.
  3. Locate and open the functions.php file or your custom plugin file.
  4. Copy and paste the provided code snippet at the end of the file.
  5. Save the changes to the file.
  6. Test the functionality by placing a test order and checking the email subject for the order number.

By following these steps, your WooCommerce email subjects will now include the order number, enhancing clarity and organization for both you and your customers.

If you need assistance with this implementation or require more advanced functionality, consider reaching out to for expert help.