Automatically Mark Discounted Products with a Special CSS Class

How to add css class to discounted products in woocommerce; Automatically apply css class to sale items wordpress; Css class for discounted products woocommerce; Mark discounted products with css class wordpress; Woocommerce css class for sale products; Add custom css class to discounted items woocommerce; Apply css class to sale products automatically wordpress; Woocommerce sale products css customization; How to style discounted products with css in wordpress; Css class for sale badge woocommerce;


Want to make your discounted products stand out in WooCommerce? Here's a simple way to automatically add a special CSS class to them, so you can style them differently.

How It Works:

  • The code checks if WooCommerce is active on your site.
  • It then looks at each product to see if it's on sale.
  • If a product is discounted, it adds a special CSS class called 'discounted-product' to it.

Styling Your Discounted Products:

  • Create a CSS file named 'discounted-products.css' in your theme's 'css' directory.
  • Add your custom styles for the 'discounted-product' class in this file. For example, you might want to change the background color or add a border to make these products pop.

This approach ensures that any product on sale will automatically have the new styles applied, making it easy to manage and update your store's look without manually editing each product.


// Add a custom CSS class to discounted products in WooCommerce
function wp_dudecom_add_discounted_product_class( $classes, $class, $product_id ) {
    // Check if WooCommerce is active
    if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
        $product = wc_get_product( $product_id );

        // Check if the product is on sale
        if ( $product->is_on_sale() ) {
            $classes[] = 'discounted-product'; // Add your custom CSS class
    return $classes;
add_filter( 'post_class', 'wp_dudecom_add_discounted_product_class', 10, 3 );

// Enqueue custom styles for discounted products
function wp_dudecom_enqueue_discounted_product_styles() {
    if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-dudecom-discounted-products', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/discounted-products.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_dudecom_enqueue_discounted_product_styles' );

// Ensure the custom CSS file exists in your theme's directory
// Create a file named 'discounted-products.css' in your theme's 'css' directory
// Add your custom styles for the 'discounted-product' class in that file


File Location: Add the code to your theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin file.


  • Ensure WooCommerce is installed and active on your WordPress site.
  • Basic understanding of how to access and edit WordPress theme files.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Access Your WordPress Files: Use an FTP client or your hosting provider's file manager to access your WordPress installation.
  2. Locate the functions.php File: Navigate to wp-content/themes/your-active-theme/ and open the functions.php file for editing.
  3. Add the Code: Copy and paste the provided code snippet into the functions.php file. Save the changes.
  4. Create the CSS Directory: If it doesn't already exist, create a directory named css within your active theme's folder.
  5. Create the CSS File: Inside the css directory, create a new file named discounted-products.css.
  6. Add Custom Styles: Open the discounted-products.css file and add your desired styles for the .discounted-product class. For example:
    .discounted-product {
        background-color: #f9f9f9;
        border: 2px solid #ff0000;
  7. Save and Test: Save all changes and visit your WooCommerce store to ensure discounted products are styled as expected.

If you need assistance with implementation or require more advanced functionality, consider reaching out to for expert help.